Have you found where you belong?

Sea Change or Quantum Leap? At the wise age of "double nickel", I followed my passion for travel and photography and all-things Aussie. I sold my home, robbed my SEP account (to the chagrin of my financial advisor, but with his best wishes, too!) and headed downunder on a personal journey.
Two years on, after dee-tours in Tasmania and Victoria, I now live in Sydney near the spot my love affair began on Bondi Beach. My income may be minimal, but I've never been "richer" or happier.
Joseph Campbell, a mythologist - whatever that is - says, "There is no security in following the call to adventure, but to refuse the call means stagnation." I was stagnating in Corporate America...Thank god I listened to the wakeup calls!
I know what I'm doing is right for me, and those who really know me remain happy for me on my voyage of discovery. Finding and listening to my inner voice has had many rewards already, even if I do have to sometimes remind myself why I'm doing this. I'm working hard at web content writing and freelance magazine writing - but what I write about and photograph is travel, and the pamper and play stuff (golfing, spa resorts, exploring the outback of beyond, food & wine, and beaches, beaches and more beaches).
My mantra is "Go wherever you are meant to go and trust... whatever is meant to happen will find you." If you have a dream, prepare to make a change. Slow down until you hear your real voice and then start to follow it!
PS I may have left Denver behind, but not the music of John Denver. Whenever I'm homesick, a little "Rocky Mountain High" gets me through the blues.