On the road again

I count my blessings every day vis a vis the job I have created for myself downunder, which allows a good bit of travel across to New Zealand, around Australia, and especially to Victoria where my travel companion resides between trysts.
Serendipitiously, I'm off to Mauritius next month on a golf/spa/resort junket at the behest of the tourism department. Hard work, writing articles for luxury travel and golf magazines...I know of no one who can do it better! Better bone up on my creole and French champagnes.
Seriously, I have quite a few freelance credits, and I just happened to be in the right spot at the right time with the right golf/spa/resort magazine contacts to make the cut. I'll be travelling with other journalists and event planners and taking a look at that country's travel and hospitality industry. The images I've seen of the golf courses and spas are so tantilizing...maybe I won't come back!
I'll send you a postcard. More news as it happens...
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